This has been devised in response to a request for some shorter races and to solve the problem of several series that, in the past few years, have not attracted enough support. The series will feature approximately once a month and will consist of four ‘points’ races each lasting about 25 to 30 minutes. The morning, starting as usual at 11.00am, will be two races back to back, so please stay on the water at the end of the first race as the second race will start as soon as possible after the first race has finished. The afternoon’s two races will follow a similar pattern. Trophies will be awarded to The 1st Double Hander, 1st Single hander, 1st Lady Helm, 1st Youth, 1st Master, 1st Grand Master, and the Best Improver. It is hoped that the maximum number of sailors will be eligible for each category.
Definitions : Youth: under 18, Master 18 to 55, Grand Master over 55 . (at the start of the season) Novices had been defined as those who have not won a trophy. This cup will now be awarded to the Best Improver from those with a ‘Slow’ rating. (The computer program gives a % slow or % fast rating for everyone as result of all races sailed . Roughly the bottom 1/3rd of finishers are ‘slow’ as they are sailing below their handicap) The person, from this group, who improves their rating most by the end of the series will be awarded the trophy – I can explain more!
The sailing committee will review any problems that may arise with this experimental series.
Chris Barlow and the sailing committee