There has been lots going on in the background since our November Dinner Dance and December AGM. Martyn Stubbs, our new Commodore organises work parties to coincide with the only two pleasant days in February, and lots is done to ready the club for next season’s sailing, which starts at 11am on Sunday 2nd March. Over Lunch, on 2nd March, Chris Barlow explains how the average laps system works and safety boat crews are urged to carry a clubhouse key with them at all times, so they can take anyone unlucky enough to capsize into the warm without delay.
Regular Sunday sailing starts on March 2nd and continues until November 30th, making club membership seriously good value even before we take into account all the summer Tuesday evening races and the Saturday social sailing and special fixtures that we have planned.
For those who like a good ‘knees up’, we have the Fitting Out Supper and Barn Dance which takes place on February 28th. ‘Raggle Taggle’ provide the live music.
Thanks to the hard work of club members on our stand at the Southampton Boat Show in September last year (see photo), we have £210 to give to a local young person aged 16-25 towards a voyage on a Challenger Yacht or Square Rigger with Tall Ships Youth Sailing Trust. Please ask the Rear Commodore, Peter Barnes, for further information.
The sun is at last shining, so here’s to a spectacular sailing season!
Peter Barnes, Feb 2014.