

Now you have looked through the website and have some idea of the Club, you really should visit the Lake. The best time is during any Sunday, when the club is most active and you will always be able to find a willing committee or club member to talk with.

Members Joining Fees
There are various categories of membership so choose that best suited to your sailing and/or family requirements: 

Individual Membership – £75
Married or Partnership Couple – £85 
Family –  Couple with children under the age of 16 (from 1st Jan) £90
Junior/Student – under 16 / in full time educ. on 1st Jan of membership year – £30 
Social and Group membership may be available on application to the Membership Secretary

Sailing Licences

A Sailing Licence has to be obtained  for each boat sailed. Boats cannot be sailed without a licence. These cost £60 (including VAT) for the first boat and £30 (including VAT) for each further boat and are only available to Shearwater Sailing Club members.

NOTE – The licence is now bought through the club and payment and application is included on the membership form below.

Dinghy Berths and Keys

To berth a boat in the ‘dinghy park’ the cost is £45 for the first boat you register and £30 for any subsequent boats.  See application form or contact the Officer in charge of Dinghy Park for details. Please  note that boats must be removed from the dinghy park in the Winter. A clubhouse entry key is available to each member category – please see the Application Form or contact our Membership Secretary for details.

Conditions of membership

Sunday race days take place from  March to  November. There is also a Tuesday evenings series during May to August this is – often followed by a drink and sailing chat at the local pub. These events are run by club members and all members are expected to do at least two Sunday duties during the year. The safety boat is always out on race days. Your boat must not be left in the dinghy park on a road trailer as it invalidates our insurance.

If  you are unable to visit but would like more information please do not hesitate to contact the Club Commodore, Hon. Membership Secretary, or any other committee member as listed on our Committee page.

Membership forms

Note that sailing licence payment is now to the club, not the estate.
See membership pack for details.