Sailing resumes 9th May

Sailing will restart on Sunday 9 May and all sailing sessions must be booked HERE
On Sundays the first race begins at 11am.  Sailing will also take place on Tuesdays From 11 May to 7 September with a race starting at 6.15pm. Social sailing on Sundays and Tuesdays will also be possible but there must be at least two boats on the water at any time to provide a buddy system)

Toilets can be used in the Clubhouse but masks should be worn indoors and sanitiser used. The Club house should fully open later in the year.

The rule of six applies on shore.  This does not limit the number of members sailing but there should be no gatherings on shore.

Club boats can be hired by membersas usual.

There is a booking system so the Club has a record that can be used if tracking is required.  This also helps if sailing has to be cancelled because of high wind speeds forecast (gusts over 20mph) or lack of numbers sailing.
Please book on our Events page. Please note that you need to log in to book so if you have forgotten your login, please contact the webmistress.

Duties must be booked as OOD tickets.

Remember that you must be a member and insured to sail.

Still Waiting…….

The club is still waiting to hear from the Longleat Estate about when we can re-open and the access is currently blocked with locked barriers. The theme park is said to be re-opening on 12th April so we may be able to do the same. Keep checking here or on our FaceBook page for updates.

Winter Shutdown

With the blue green algae preventing sailing and now the English lockdown, the committee have decided to begin the annual winter shutdown of the club a month earlier than usual. Members are reminded that due to the terms of the lease, boats should be removed from the dinghy park by 31st December.

Sailing will restart (conditions allowing) on Sunday 7th March.